last year I was the mess of the year. A failed relationship with one of Kenya’s youngest millionaires. Saddest thing he was my first true love. I got totally paralyzed from this experience emotionally. Since then I have had major trust issues and hated being with a man yet I cannot stop being submissive to them at any one time.

After him…I managed to play around with a few hearts here and there until I decided I can be more and not help him ruin my life. I quit my job as a manager at a spa in Nairobi and changed my phone number(I had to hide from a few sponsors that really never gave me money. All I did was drink with them and some weird aftermath that would make me feel unclean)

I stayed home ever since and slowly started walking back to redemption.                       2018 is the year where I have to make right decisions for myself. which means having a stable financial life, keeping off drugs and fuck boys and finally getting my music career on step one of which I have not figured out what it is yet.

FUCK BOYS have been an issue to keep off. I have tried to spot them but sometimes I realize that a guy is that guy when its too late. I have been played a couple of time. Am weird though. I don’t learn. I walk into the same trap simply because I want to be like other girls. Also, cause of pressure from my own hustle I need support when things are rough. Someone to just tell me all will be well. Yet they just never do. I don’t get why I keep doing this.

To learn from all the experiences I will write about all men I have been with this year[maybe that way I will stop thinking with my body parts]. My doubts about them before anything started and how they just showed their true colors and I just walked away tip toeing like am the bad guy in all those situations

Next week *wink its gonna be hot right here. I sure hope I ain’t boring *yiiikes


see y’all if anyone is reading that is hahahahahahahaha

over and out.








I would prefer to be anonymous just call me sinner. Am a singer/songwriter also an entrepreneur.

Am from Kenya but all mixed up with Ghanaian …Russian…British blood. I know too much. hahaha!

I have decided to start this site to mostly have conversations with myself and anyone who would read what I write.

Mostly on issues I am shy of talking about face to face or to anyone. Since am anonymous I will make sure to give you all the sugar and spice. *wink.